In A Rut – Finding Inspiration and Joy

In A Rut Pandemic Effect

Today, I find myself feeling very uninspired about writing about any of my planned blog topics.  All of this despite the mound of topics in my planner that should inspire me and bring joy. This leads me to think that it’s about time to include a post that falls into the “diary” part of The […]

The 10 Most Common Organ Donation Myths

Donation Myths Facts

Information spreads quickly these days, regardless of the accuracy.  When it comes to organ donation, dispelling myths is essential when so many lives are lost while waiting for a transplant.  Here are the 10 most common myths I hear and the facts associated with them. I also want to take a moment to say that […]

Organ Donation and Transplantation Terms

Organ Donation Definition Image

There are many organ donation and transplantation terms that you will run across during your journey. Some you may have never heard before. Then there are some that are next to impossible to pronounce and have their own separate set of acronyms. I’ll try to keep this list short and sweet. Hopefully, this will arm […]

Sensitivity in Transplant Terminology

Sensitivity 1

  Sensitivity in transplant terminology is important when we talk about our journey. Honoring our donors and donor families compels us to think about these things. I heard many things discussed around the hospital and on television (TV…oh boy…there’s a blog post idea). I can understand the use of some terminology in the medical field […]