10 Easy Ways to Find Normal After Transplant

After transplant, we all ask, “When will things get back to normal?” Today I’m going to give you 10 ways to find normal after transplant. What the Heck is Normal Anyway? Everyone has their own preconceived idea of what normal is. And it’s not only as it pertains to transplant. A normal family […]
Why Lab Work and Clinic Visits Are Important

Most transplant patients understand why lab work and clinic visits are important before we get our transplant. But what about after that? These visits can make a massive difference immediately following your transplant as well as one, five, or even 30 years down the road. Before Transplant All through transplant it’s hammered into […]
Give Yourself a Break

You’ve received your transplant and one of the biggest things you can do now is give yourself a break. Right now you feel like you can take on the world. You certainly have a new lease on life but what I’m talking about goes deeper than just the physical aspect of things. Give […]
Post-Transplant Guilt

You’ve finally received your transplant and then it hits you. Post-transplant guilt. What is post-transplant guilt and how do you move through it? Post-Transplant Guilt is Completely Normal From the beginning, you’ve had the knowledge that getting a transplant meant one of two things. Either someone has died and because of their decision to […]
Self-Care After Transplant

Self-care after transplant is something to start almost immediately. You did it! You made it through transplant and recovered! Now it’s time to get back to your life and all of the things you might have been neglecting a little while you were sick. Too Sick to Care I was so sick leading […]
Dealing with Fatigue

I’m So Tired Today! Who’s dealing with fatigue today? This girl. Boy, did I pick the right day to talk to you guys about this! This morning I woke up after 7 hours of decent sleep and I felt pretty OK despite the more-often-than-not sour stomach (what I not-so-affectionately refer to as transplant belly). No […]
How Painful is a Transplant?

So how painful is a transplant anyway? Well, frankly, that depends. I’m going to start this off by saying my threshold for pain is pretty high. I’m not trying to be braggy here. Is that even a thing? Bragging about pain? Geez, I hope not. It never used to be, but I think in part […]
Immunosuppressants or Anti-Rejection Medications

Immunosuppressants or anti-rejection medications are medications any transplant recipient is familiar with. Let’s dive into what they do, how they are monitored, and their side effects. Immunosuppressants or Anti-Rejection Medications Start Right Away When I first went home from the hospital after my transplant, I was on reasonable dosages of two types of […]
10 Tips for Remembering Your Medications

Remembering your medications is paramount in your success as a transplant recipient. Below are 10 tips to help you do just that. Why Remembering Your Medications Is So Important After transplant, some of my transplant team visited to run down the things I needed to know before going home. We went over all […]