MELD Score Good or Bad?

I’ve already written a post about MELD score. In it, we covered what it is, how it’s calculated, and what that means. Yet, I still receive many questions about whether a person’s MELD is good or bad. Your MELD Score Isn’t the Full Picture When most people receive their MELD score (or calculate […]
What to Expect After Transplant Surgery

Everyone would like a roadmap of what to expect after their transplant surgery. The thing is, that roadmap is impossible to lay out. What Usually Happens Some of the most common questions I hear have to do with what is usual or normal after transplant surgery. While some things are common, many things […]
The Positive, the Negative, and the Toxic

How others talk to us (and how we talk to ourselves) about our positive and negative feelings can be toxic. We all experience a wide range of emotions. Sometimes we are happy, hopeful, and feel like we can take on the world. Other times we feel defeated, tired, sad, and hopeless. Many times we are […]
In Case of Emergency – ICE

No one wants to experience an emergency. But being prepared in the event something does happen can make a huge difference. Having information in place in case of an emergency is important, both before and after a transplant. What’s the Urgency for Emergencies? Emergencies, by their very nature, are unexpected. Most people have experienced […]
Honesty Is the Best Policy

Benjamin Franklin said that honesty is the best policy. But is it really? We’ve all told a white lie here and there to avoid hurting someone now and then. And when it comes to self-preservation, being completely transparent can be terrifying! But when you are going through the transplant process, honesty is more important than […]
What to Expect With a Liver Biopsy

Your numbers have been off and now you need a liver biopsy. What can you expect? The questions are flooding already. Is it really necessary? What is the biopsy procedure like? Is it scary? Does it hurt? What about recovery? Whew, y’all. Life has been a bit crazy and I took a break from blogging […]
5 Steps to Being a Good Patient

By their very nature, patients are sick and not the most fun to be around. Nobody expects a patient to be all rainbows and unicorns, but being a good patient is important. Here are five steps you can take to make sure you are a patient people appreciate. But I’m Sick Nobody likes […]
Being Strong is Exhausting

Whether you are pre or post-transplant, the demand to be strong can be exhausting. Even when that demand is not something that is coming from external sources. We all have that little voice in our heads telling us to keep going. Be strong. You’ve got this! But even when it’s meant as encouragement, keeping up […]
Understanding Your MELD Score

Liver transplant candidates are listed and transplanted based on their MELD score. Understanding your score and how its calculation will give you a better understanding of your wait time and the severity of your illness. History of the MELD Score The MELD score (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease) is a scoring system for […]
10 Must-Know Hospital Stay Facts

For someone who has never stayed in the hospital, some things may be a little confusing. Today I’m going to share with you 10 must-know facts to help you navigate your next hospital stay. In the years I’ve been volunteering at the hospital or had family and friends admitted, many questions have come up about […]