Understanding Your MELD Score

Liver transplant candidates are listed and transplanted based on their MELD score. Understanding your score and how its calculation will give you a better understanding of your wait time and the severity of your illness. History of the MELD Score The MELD score (Model for End-Stage Liver Disease) is a scoring system for […]
Organ Donation and Transplantation Terms

There are many organ donation and transplantation terms that you will run across during your journey. Some you may have never heard before. Then there are some that are next to impossible to pronounce and have their own separate set of acronyms. I’ll try to keep this list short and sweet. Hopefully, this will arm […]
Immunosuppressants or Anti-Rejection Medications

Immunosuppressants or anti-rejection medications are medications any transplant recipient is familiar with. Let’s dive into what they do, how they are monitored, and their side effects. Immunosuppressants or Anti-Rejection Medications Start Right Away When I first went home from the hospital after my transplant, I was on reasonable dosages of two types of […]
It’s OK to Go Home

It’s important to know that it’s OK to go home when your loved one is in the hospital. Part of being a good caretaker is taking care of yourself too. Despite That Guilty Feeling Your loved one has been admitted into the hospital. Again. Exhaustion has set in. You’ve been there all day […]
You Need a Transplant – How to Cope With the News

Let’s talk about how to cope with the news that you need a transplant. This is not easy news to hear, so I have compiled some tips and resources to help you through it. I will never forget the morning I sat in my hospital bed and spoke with my doctor about how […]